Whether you have an actual Advent Wreath, or whether you fashion one out of items you have at home, please join us this Advent in prayer and action in order to hone in on the anticipation for the coming of the Lord.
There are 5 sets of “cards” below. One is the main card which will be used each week. The other 4 are each for a specific week. On Sunday, or any day, of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week, pull up this information and light the appropriate candles.
The 1st week you will light one purple candle.
The 2nd week you will light that same candle, plus another purple candle.
The 3rd week you will light the first two purples, and the pink.
The 4th week you will light all 4 candles.
For each week, you will read the main prayer, and then read the weekly prayer. Read through the activities and discuss with your family how you might choose to participate. Mainly, have fun being together as a family and opening up the lines of communication about what your family believes and what you stand for. This is a great opportunity for Faith in Action!