The deadline for entering hours for the 2025-26 school year will be March 31, 2026.
To make entering and tracking volunteer hours easy we will continue to use the Track It Forward system for tracking your hours. This online program will allow you to enter hours and then see your hours showing you how close you are to reaching your 20 hour goal. (10 hours if you have only one child at PFGA and that child is in 1/2 day pre-K).
Each Pope Francis family has an account in the system using the youngest student’s information. If you haven’t yet logged in, please use your youngest/only student’s ID # as both the username and password. The Student ID can be found on their report card or on PowerSchool.
Log into the website https://www.trackitforward.com/site/pope-francis-global-academy
Go into Log Hours
Select your hours from the drop down.
Select the date of your volunteer service.
Select your activity from the drop down box. If your activity is not listed, please select “other” and include a description in the comment section.
We hope that this system makes tracking hours easier and more transparent for everyone. Also, an APP is available for your phone.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at gybarra@pfgacademy.org or 773-736-8806.
The goal of requiring parent volunteer hours is to encourage a spirit of shared commitment among all families for the benefit of Pope Francis Global Academy. Each family is asked to complete 20 hours of service between April 1 of the current school year and March 31 of the following calendar year/same school year. After March 31, a final tally will be made of the hours logged by each family and any unmet hours will be billed at $30/hour on or near April 30. Families will have until June 1 to pay that bill on FACTS.
We prefer to not have to bill anyone, so we encourage you to pace yourself and do several hours each month so you do not come up short. Opportunities for daytime, nighttime, weekend, at-school, at-home, in the neighborhood, etc. are available. Please keep an eye out for opportunities.
Once you do them, DO NOT FORGET TO LOG THEM IN!!! If your hours aren’t logged in you will end up with a bill in April.