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Mission Statement

Pope Francis Global Academy Parents’ Club is an organization that is focused on enriching the lives of the students in our school community, by supporting their educational and faith development using our time, talents, and treasure. We strive to promote mutual support and Christian fellowship between the parents, students, teachers, school administrators, and the Pope Francis Global Academy Community.

Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, with a couple of exceptions.


Ongoing research over decades has shown that when parents are involved at school, their children are more likely to:

  • Earn better grades and higher test scores

  • Graduate and pursue further education

  • Have stronger literacy skills

  • Have better social skills.

The reasons that parent involvement increases student success are many-in itself, simply letting a child know you care and are invested enough to be involved in his day-to-day school sends a clear message about the value of school and education.

Parents that are involved also have better access to information about opportunities for students, allowing them to be stronger advocates for the children.



The PFGA Parents' Club has a private Facebook Group for Pope Francis Global Academy parents only, created to provide a forum for Parents' Club and its members to share information and ask questions about school and parish activities and events.