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Catholic Schools Week 2021
January 31- February 6


SUNDAY, January 31 - Celebrating our Faith

  • Family Mass at St. Pascal’s 10 am Mass - Sign up to attend Mass in person here (the January 31 option will be added prior to CSW) or attend virtually on the St. Pascal Youtube Live site.

  • Kick off the Virtual Book Sale. INFORMATION HERE. Parents will earn a service hour for every $15 they spend at the book sale. See the Book Fair flyer for details when it comes out prior to CSW.

  • A full day of individual prospective family tours are being offered.

MONDAY, February 1– Celebrating our Community

  • Dress as your favorite Superhero!

  • Kick-off of Donations for Dignity Essential Items Drive, our CSW Service Project – We are collecting essential items for the homeless and a FULL LIST OF NEEDED ITEMS IS HERE.

  • Students will be making Thank You posters to deliver to our community helper locations. Each class works together to create one or more posters. Parents can earn service hours by writing their own “thank you” card to the community organizations that will go along with the posters. Parents can earn another service hour by delivering the posters and notes to the organizations. More information soon.

  • Look for your Parent Appreciation Perkolator Coffee coupons in the backpacks on Monday after school! Coupons are good for a small coffee through Saturday, February 6. 


TUESDAY, February 2, - Celebrating our Nation  

  • Red, White, and Blue day

  • Students will make Thank You cards for Vets at the Jesse Brown Veterans Administration center.

  • Junior High students will be making posters for the school which highlight Chicago’s Catholic High Schools, Catholic Colleges around the country, and Catholic leaders throughout the nation.

WEDNESDAY, February 3 – Celebrating our Students/Student Appreciation Day

  • Out of Uniform – student’ choice (within school dress code)

  • No homework will be assigned for this night!

  • Student Appreciation Box Lunches from Parents' Club. Remote learners may pick up from the school. 

  • Faith Buddy’s - Pen Pal project

  • Dance! Dance! Dance!...periodic “stop what you’re doing and dance!” breaks throughout the day!

  • Installation of our We’re Better Together all-school art project. Paper People cutouts will go home this week for families to decorate together. Instructions for decorating them are HERE. They are due back on Monday, February 1. Parents can log an hour of service once their student returns their Paper Person submission.  Parents of remote learners can drop off their paper people when picking up or dropping off materials/assignments any day during CSW week.. 

  • Kick off of our new PFGA Parents In the Know Zoom series...our first Zoom presentation will be about Re-Enrollment/FACTS/Financial Aid led by Mr. Argamaso and Mrs. Thyen . Details to follow.


THURSDAY, February 4 - Celebrating Vocations/Callings/Careers and Parent Appreciation Day

  • Career Day – Dress as what you want to be when you grow up.

  • What’s your Calling Career Day Video  - We are asking any interested parents to submit a 2-5 minute video to be used for a Virtual Career Day which will be present to our students on Thursday. All parents, regardless of their occupation or calling, are invited to participate. Even if your calling is being a parent, we’d love to hear from you!  Parents will earn one service hour for submitting a video. DETAILS ARE HERE.

  • Parent Coffee - No, unfortunately we can’t host you in person, but we’ll be sending home a coupon on Monday of CSW for a free coffee at Perkolator for each of our parents to use during CSW! .

FRIDAY, February 5 – Celebrating Teachers and Staff     

  • Spirit Day – Dress in Maroon and Gold and Spirit wear.

  • Teacher and Staff appreciation lunch provided by Parents' Club.

  • Classroom Competitions - in place of our beloved Junior high vs. Teachers Volleyball tournament, teachers will coordinate in-cohort competitions and games for the afternoon.

SATURDAY, February 6 - Celebrate the Family