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August 17, 2021

Dear PFGA Family,

Below are our new arrival and dismissal procedures for the 2021-2022 school year. This year there will be notable changes to our procedures that we hope will lead to our students having better and more productive school days.

Before we get into any changes, just a reminder that PFGA school parents should refrain from congregating on our school grounds before, during, or after arrival/dismissal. There are two exceptions to this rule:

  1. One of the exceptions to this policy will be during the first two days of school, when parents will be allowed to be in the parking lot, with their children, at the start of the school day.

  2. The other exception will be for parents who have children in either Pre-K and K. Parents with children in those grades will be allowed to enter the parking lot during arrival and dismissal times throughout the school year as they must remain with their students until they deliver them to the teacher at the appropriate door.

Also, unlike last year, wellness checks will not take place before the children are allowed to enter the school building. Hand sanitizing is also no longer required but it will be made available at each entrance of the school and students will be encouraged to use it.

Finally, because wellness checks will not take place upon entry, it is even more important than ever that parents check their child’s temperature at home, before leaving for school. If your child is exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms or has a fever above 100.4, they must stay home from school. Parents with students who exhibit COVID-like symptoms at school will be contacted right away and will be required to pick their students up immediately. Symptomatic students waiting to be picked up by their parents will be asked to wait in our quarantined room, which will be monitored by a staff member.



●      Students in grades 1-8 will enter the school building, from the parking lot behind the school. Students in Pre-K and K will line up to each side of the portico where the church and school meet.

●      After entering our school parking lot, students should make their way to their grade’s assigned entryway, as indicated on the map attached to this message. (Students will only be allowed into the school from their assigned door.)

●      Students should line up in front of their assigned door in an orderly fashion but are not required to line up in cohorts. (However, although cohorts can now mix, students should maintain at least three feet of social distance from one another when possible.)

●      At 7:50, the designated school doors will open, and at that point, we will begin allowing the children into the school. This means that teachers will no longer be outside at the start of the day but will instead already be in their classrooms to greet the students as they arrive allowing a quicker and smoother transition into the instructional day.

●      At 8:00, the four designated entry points at the rear of the school will be closed.

●      The administrative staff, along with all available Specials teachers and aides will facilitate the morning arrivals. As a result, the main office will need to be temporarily closed every morning from 7:50 to 8:10

●      At 8:10, the main office will again open, and any students who are late to school will be allowed in the front doors at that time.

●      Any student who comes into the building late will be marked tardy. Although this is significant for all of our students, it is especially so for those in our Junior High, as tardiness may have a negative impact on their high school applications.



●      This year staggered dismissal times are no longer necessary. All students will be dismissed at the same time every day. This is 3:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 2:00 pm on Wednesday.



Unfortunately, over the past few years, there has been an increasing number of complaints that have come from our own school parents and from our neighbors residing in homes directly around the school. One issue that constantly arises is traffic during both arrival and dismissal, which is caused by our school parents stopping in the middle of the street or double parking, on Dakin and Melvina. At the end of last year, complaints from our neighbors began to increase, and I was eventually contacted by the Alderman and our school liaison officer with the Chicago Police Department. Both have urged me to communicate these concerns to all of you and have asked me to implore you to please be courteous to our neighbors, many of whom are elderly.

Another frequent issue that we encounter is parents parking on Irving Park, at arrival and dismissal. At those times, Irving Park is a no parking zone, and in the past, we have had parents ticketed for parking there when they were not supposed to. More concerning is the speed of traffic on Irving Park, and the potential for a serious accident occurring while our school parents are parked there. In the past, there have been accidents that have occurred involving our school parents, in this area. Thankfully, these accidents have not resulted in any serious injuries, but they could have. The potential for something terrible happening is there, and we do not want any of our school children or school parents to be seriously hurt, or worse.

In both cases the solution is simple, please park your car in a legal parking spot, walk with your children to and from the school building every morning and afternoon. I know that it is not always convenient, especially during the cold months, but it is necessary. 

Take care and God Bless,


Arrival Door Assignments.pdf